Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Resolutions

This year went by pretty fast I must say. It was full of so much happiness. I've rekindled friendships and am still friends with my best friend, who I am so thankful for. She is always there for me and knows me so well. Of course i'm thankful for my two boys. I love them so much.

Then there's Mike, we've been together for four years and I love him with all of my heart. Just recently he has decided to join the army. Which I am hurt about, but it's all for the best.

Now on to my resolutions.
1. Lose weight.
This is something that is everyone's resolution i'm sure, but it's time I lose all the baby weight. I am about 40 or 50 pounds more than i was before I was pregnant with Jered. So I have quite a ways to go. I will be trying to complete the Bikini Body Mommy 90 Day Challenge.

2. Potty train Jered.
I know this is pretty random but I would like him potty trained by his second birthday.

3. Start eating clean.I guess this should go with number one but this is a big thing for me. I eat so horrible. I know i won't be able to eat completely clean right off the bat, but hopefully over time i will. And I also hope my family will start eating clean right along with me.

4. Be a more active blogger. I don't blog as often as I would like. This year I am going to try and blog at least once a week. I plan on having a "Mani Monday" every Monday, since I paint my nails so much I might do two or three different ones in one post or spread them out throughout the week.

That's all I have for now. I didn't want too many cause I eoyld just give up on them.

So stay tuned for more posts from me in the near future.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

In The Hospital

So on Wednesday my youngest son, Austin, had a seizure. We took him to the E.R. And they said it was a Febrile seizure. Which the doctor said is a seizure caused by a fever getting too high too fast. After all that everything was fine so they discharged him.

A couple of days later Mike and I felt like we were getting sick so my mom took Austin for the night. We were in bed, watching tv, ready to go to sleep, when my mom called and said Austin was having another seizure. So we went to the E.R. again. This time they admitted Austin into the PICU. This all happened last night.

Earlier today they did an MRI. Which went well and we should have the results today. He also had an EEG done. Which also went well but as Austin was getting hooked up he was screaming. We should get the results of the EEG tomorrow at the latest.

My poor baby has red spots all over from the EEG...
I still can't believe that this happened to him..he's only four months old:( Hopefully he'll either grow out of the seizures (Like his father, Mike, who had them as a baby), or that this is something we will be able to control...
I'm hoping we aren't here much longer. The nurses are all so wonderful. Austin also got a stocking filled with goodies which was so nice.

This has been a very stressful week...until next time...

Monday, December 16, 2013

App Review: Cartwheel

So I was pretty excited to find this app. With this app you can save various amounts of money for buying certain things at Target. For example, you need toothpaste or lotion or even milk, so you go on Cartwheel and see if they have any of those items are on there. If they are you add the offer to your account. Most offers are about 5% off. The most I've seen is 30-40% I believe. Anyway, once your done shopping and you have items from Cartwheel in your basket you go to checkout. You then just show the cashier the barcode for them to scan and there you go.

Some details about the app...you can sign up with Facebook. You will be able to see if your friends use Cartwheel and what offers they've used unless they've been added privately. Another thing. You only get a certain amount of spaces you can put offers in. Once friends join the app you get another space. So invite friends for more spaces!
They have pretty much everything in this app so its easy for you to save money
Last night I got a Monsters University blanket for Jered, for Christmas, a mini notepad, pens and a bottle opener key for Mike, all for a little over $15 thanks to Cartwheel. Had I not used it I would have paid $15 just for the blanket alone.

All in all I highly recommend this app, especially if you shop at Target quite a bit.
Well...until next time!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Elf Disney Villains

So awhile back I went and got an e.l.f. Disney Villians look book. I got the Cruella De Vil look book. I was going to get the Evil Queen but the eyeshadows looked almost exactly the same and I likes the Cruella lip gloss more.

Almost all Walgreens by my house were sold out but then one got a shipment in so off I went in the morning. I was tempted to buy more than on or at least the nail polish set buy Mike didn't even know I was getting one. Anyways, on to pictures.
The packaging has magnetic closures but now one of th didn't close. It just flops everywhere.
The look book comes with six eyeshadows, an eyeshadow brush(I love e.l.f.s eyeshadow brush), a black pencil liner, black liquid eyeliner, a lip gloss and an eyeshadow primer.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sisters Homecoming Dance

So last month I did my sisters hair and makeup for her homecoming dance. She also wore one of my old dresses.
I did her hair curly all on one side of her head.
For her makeup I did a light silver on her whole lid and a dark silver/gray in her crease. Then a black eyeshadow with purple glitter on her outer corner. I used a Bh Cosmetics palette and an E.L.F. palette. Then I used Falsies mascara.

So, until next time!


So its finally November. I turned 21 on the 16th:) Anyway, haha. I feel so bad that I haven't been posting. I've been so busy with Jered and Austin.

Jered's a handful on his own. He's such a picky eater and he's starting to climb on everything. The other day he climbed on top of his crib to the top of the dresser where we keep our tv...Gave me a heart attack.

Austin has gotten so big. It's hard to believe he was in preemie clothes when he was born. He's been "talking" a lot lately and he sounds like a squeaky toy. Ima so cute.

Now for some pictures. This is what Jered looked like after he ate a Kit Kat.
This was before Halloween. I spaced on taking pictures ON Halloween.
So I will have a couple more posts today. So look out for those!

Until next time..

Saturday, October 5, 2013


I'm so glad is October. Its almost Mike's birthday! And mine is next month. I'll be 21! I doubt I'm going to go out and drink. I'd rather go out to eat with all three of my boys:) Maybe go to the casino haha.

In other news. Jered had his first dentist appointment yesterday. He does not like people poking around in his mouth. But the dentist said his teeth look fine.
He got a cars toothbrush and wouldn't stop brushing his teeth. They also give kids toys after their appointments, so he got a pack of three toy cars.
Then Mike got an appointment right after Jered's so we waited for him and he has to get a couple of teeth pulled. And he got a rechargable eclectic toothbrush for being a new patient. Pretty cool!

Then later last night we went to Denny's.
Jered enjoyed it and didn't let go of those crayons the whole time we were there and I'm the ride home.

That's all I have for this post. Until next time!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


It's finally September. So the weather should be cooling down soon, which I'm very happy about. Fall is my favorite season. Not just because of the weather but because of the pumpkin stuff and getting to take Jered to the pumpkin patch for the first time.

I loved going as a kid and want Jered to go every year, until he chooses not to at least.

Change of subject. Jered broke ny glasses a couple of weeks ago so I haven't been able to see very good. I feel like my vision has gotten worse so I had an eye appointment last week and am now waiting for them to call when my glasses are ready to pick up. I'm excited to be able to see again soon. I didn't wear my glasses very much before so I've been thinking about getting contacts...we'll see if actually do though.

Austin is already one month old. It doesn't feel like that long at all. When he was born he wore some preemie clothes because most newborn sizes were way to big. Now he fits almost perfectly into newborn clothes.
Jered loves his little brother. Sometimes he gets a bit jealous, but the rest of the time he wants to hug him and kiss him and hold him. And recently he likes to smell Austin's feet lol.
On Saturday Mike and I went to Revolt On The Rio Grande. We went unexpectedly but we haven't been to a concert or anything in a few months and we like going to shows a lot. I can't even count how many bands we've seen together since we've been together. We mainly went to see KoRn and Avenged Sevonfold. It was our second time seeing KoRn and my first time seeing Avenged Sevonfold. They were both pretty good and it was a fun day away for us. That other kid in the pictures is my cousin Chubby.

I don't have much more to say in this post. I'm going to have a review up of the Loreal Magic Nude Liquid Powder Bare Skin Perfecting Makeup.

That's all, until next time:)