So I was pretty excited to find this app. With this app you can save various amounts of money for buying certain things at Target. For example, you need toothpaste or lotion or even milk, so you go on Cartwheel and see if they have any of those items are on there. If they are you add the offer to your account. Most offers are about 5% off. The most I've seen is 30-40% I believe. Anyway, once your done shopping and you have items from Cartwheel in your basket you go to checkout. You then just show the cashier the barcode for them to scan and there you go.

Some details about the app...you can sign up with Facebook. You will be able to see if your friends use Cartwheel and what offers they've used unless they've been added privately. Another thing. You only get a certain amount of spaces you can put offers in. Once friends join the app you get another space. So invite friends for more spaces!

They have pretty much everything in this app so its easy for you to save money

Last night I got a Monsters University blanket for Jered, for Christmas, a mini notepad, pens and a bottle opener key for Mike, all for a little over $15 thanks to Cartwheel. Had I not used it I would have paid $15 just for the blanket alone.
All in all I highly recommend this app, especially if you shop at Target quite a bit.
Well...until next time!
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